Do you feel that every time you lay down to go to sleep that your brain gets wild? You might have gone to bed calm but now you feel stressed? Sometimes we have a hard time letting go of our feelings and our thoughts and they take over our brains.
Learning to be in control of your mind can help you to take negative thoughts that you have and turn them into positive thoughts. This isn’t something that happens overnight but as you focus on this and you set goals to control your thinking, you will see that this can stop your brain from going wild.
Having Negative Thoughts
Positive thinking can make you feel better in your mind, body, and soul. It can affect your overall wellbeing. Thoughts that are negative are ones that can hurt your emotions and can leave you feeling tired and worn. They take away what you are feeling now, and they cause you to stay in the past or to want to push to the future. These negative thoughts can make you feel unwanted or lead to bad self-esteem.
Negative thoughts might come automatically before you can even get the chance to see what happened. These thoughts can hurt you and can stop you from doing new things. The worse you struggle with negative thoughts the harder it is to train your brain.
If you don’t be in control of your thoughts, you will see that it will affect your overall wellbeing.
Controlling Your Brain
You can learn to have control over your brain, and this can help you to get rid of negative thinking all together. This takes time and you have to be patient with yourself. Some days might be easy, and you can think positively all day, but other days negative thoughts might take over your mind. But you can control your mind!
Here are some of the best ways that you can be in control of your mind:
- Be mindful.
- Use meditation.
- Practice breathing exercises.
- Slow down your mind.
- Get off of things that bring up negative thinking.
- Ask questions that can focus on yourself.
- Be more self-aware.
- Look at patterns and see when you can be more positive.
- Get rest.
- Exercise.
- Write down your thoughts throughout the day.
- Talk to a therapist.
- Know that your thoughts are there and that there is a reason for them.
- Don’t listen to people that are negative.
- Use positive visualization.
- When negative thoughts come, distract yourself.
Why Be in Control of Your Thoughts?
When you can control your thoughts then you can have a positive mindset. This will cause you to not feel negative and when attacks come, you can learn to find ways to distract yourself from negative thinking. This can help you to be more positive.
As you avoid thinking negatively, you won’t feel like you aren’t able to reach your goals or to do what you want to do. As you control your thoughts, you can see that you can have healthy positivity.
Are There Benefits in Controlling Your Thoughts?
There are many benefits to controlling your thinking. Your brain will work in many ways, and it is there to help you to regulate your feelings and your emotions and to control the actions that you take. Having self-control even in your thoughts and your emotions is important.
Here are ways that you can benefit from controlling your thoughts:
- Set boundaries.
- Know that your thoughts are important.
- Have a healthy wellbeing.
- Know that you can be constructive in challenges.
- Have a strong self-awareness.
- Get good sleep.
- Be mindful of your thoughts.
When you are at work, make sure that you have good time management and that you’re mindful of your energy. If you start feeling sluggish or negative, make sure that you aren’t getting burnout and take a break.
Being mindful of what you are feeling can help you to control your thoughts. Trying meditation and breathing exercises can calm you when you feel stress.
Emotions and Your Body
Your thoughts and your emotions are connected, and your emotions are connected to your body as well. As you learn to control what you are thinking, it can make you an overall healthier person.
As you look at your life and you realize that everything affects your whole being, you will see that it isn’t just your mind that benefit from being controlled. Getting rid of negative thinking can help you to have balance in your mind, body, and soul.
Your life can be good, and you can have a good professional and a healthy personal life. Eating healthy, getting enough sleep, and having good social connections can help you. You can’t stop taking care of one part of your life and expect other parts to be good.
You Are in Charge of You
You are in charge of yourself. Remember that you are the one that tells your mind what you should or shouldn’t be thinking. No one else can do this for you. It can be hard to get rid of negative thoughts but as you deal with them in the now, you can prepare yourself for a healthier future.
You decide what thoughts come and how you embrace them or push them away. You have to learn how to deal with the thoughts and not let them control you. Be the one that is in charge of your whole being and this can make your life better.
‘You are in charge of you’—ha! If only my brain would listen to me like my dog does when I say ‘sit!’ At least we know who really runs the show: sleep deprivation!
‘Just breathe and be mindful’—wow, why didn’t I think of that? Maybe if I just repeat those magical words, all my problems will disappear! If only life were that simple!
While I see the merit in controlling negative thoughts, I think it’s a mistake to downplay genuine struggles people face with anxiety or depression. Suggesting that simply being mindful will fix everything is misleading.
I absolutely love this article! It’s so uplifting and empowering. Learning to control our thoughts is essential for a happy life. I’ve started practicing mindfulness and can already feel the difference in my mood!
‘Get rest.’ Sounds great in theory! But let’s be real: sometimes our brains have a mind of their own at night. Still, it’s helpful to know there are strategies out there to manage those pesky thoughts.
This article seems overly simplistic. Controlling thoughts isn’t easy for everyone, and not everyone can just think positively on command. It disregards mental health issues that require more than just positive thinking.
I agree with you, Debbie! While the advice is nice, it’s frustrating when articles like this don’t acknowledge the complexity of mental health struggles.
The connection between thoughts and emotions is well-articulated here. Cognitive behavioral therapy supports this concept, emphasizing thought patterns’ role in emotional regulation and overall well-being. Worth exploring further!
‘Talk to a therapist’—now that’s solid advice! Seeking help is often seen as a weakness, but it’s one of the best steps anyone can take towards managing their mental health effectively.