There are different kinds of psychic mediumship, and this is both mental and physical. There is physical mediumship which means that the energies will move with the spirits and it involves there being a physical manifestation that happens. Sometimes this can include things like noises or things moving. Other people will even see the spirits.
Mental mediumship happens when the mind is only being used. This can be mental forms of seeing, feeling, hearing, tasting and smelling things. These are the clair gifts including:
- Clairvoyance: clear seeing.
- Clairsentience: clear sensing.
- Claircognizance: clear knowing.
- Clairaudience: clear hearing.
- Clairgustance: clear tasting.
- Clairtangency: clear touching.
- Clairolfaction: clear smelling.
There are other gifts that people have that are mental mediumship gifts including:
- Automatic writing.
- Energy healing.
- Inspirational talking.
The mental parts of these things allow the medium to feel the mental and the physical at the same time because the mind hears all of the things but the body still feels.
Sending and Receiving
There are ways that people can send and receive messages through the mind. This is telepathy and it has been around for centuries. Many people also have heard of parapsychology and psychokinesis. This is when vibrations are sent out into the universe and other people are able to pick them up.
Thought Waves
The thought waves can move throughout the universe from mind to mind and people can interact with the vibrations of them. This is where like attracts like and a person that is thinking of something can send it to someone else that is thinking of the same or similar things.
All people that are sending and receiving messages are all on the same vibrational frequency and this means that they are able to send out the thoughts and then receive them back.
When someone dies, the person’s mind doesn’t die. They are part of the spirit world and it is possible that the mind will keep contact with others through the vibrations that they still have. This is how they are able to send messages even after they die.
A person that is able to change their vibrations and pick up the energy around them will be able to use mediumship. This means that they will be able to reach out to the spiritual world and talk to people through the vibrations and the energy. This is something that isn’t stopped by the physical world, and they can contact through the spirit.
The pineal gland is a small gland that is found in the brain. It is where the third eye comes from. When the third eye is open, you can open your mediumship gifts. This is a gland that helps to secrete melatonin and it helps with your sleep cycle. This organ is where the energy is receptive and therefore the vibrations can come through the spirit world.
So you’re telling me that my thoughts can actually communicate with others across space? That’s wild! Are we all just vibrating messages back and forth like cosmic telephones?
While it sounds cool, Betty, there’s no real proof that thoughts travel like signals in space. It’s more likely wishful thinking than anything else.
But isn’t that part of the charm? Exploring ideas—even if they seem implausible—can lead us to deeper understandings about ourselves and our connections!
‘Thought waves’? Really? Sounds like something you’d hear in a low-budget sci-fi film! This whole topic seems so ridiculous; it’s hard to take seriously at all!
This article presents an intriguing perspective on mediumship that combines both mental and physical elements. It makes one ponder about life after death and how communication may extend beyond our physical limitations.
Sure, Nora, but just because it’s intriguing doesn’t make it true! It’s easy to be swept up in fancy terms without critical thinking.
I found this article fascinating! The detailed explanation of different types of mediumship really opened my eyes to the possibilities of communicating with the spirit world. It makes me want to explore my own clair gifts more deeply!
Really? I think this is all just a bunch of nonsense. The idea that we can communicate with spirits sounds like something out of a bad horror movie.
Not at all, Sam! Science is just beginning to scratch the surface on understanding consciousness and the afterlife. There are countless studies and anecdotal evidence supporting these experiences.
The concept of the pineal gland being linked to our spiritual abilities is quite interesting! It adds a layer of scientific curiosity to what many consider mere mysticism.
While I appreciate the attempt to explain mediumship, it feels overly mystical and lacks empirical evidence. It’s interesting, sure, but until we have scientific backing, I remain skeptical about its validity.
Pat, you can’t ignore personal experiences! Just because something isn’t scientifically proven doesn’t mean it isn’t real for those who experience it.
‘Personal experience’ is subjective and can be influenced by numerous psychological factors. Until we can observe these phenomena under controlled conditions, they remain unverified.
(laughs) I can’t believe there’s an actual discussion about seeing dead people! If someone told me they could taste spirits, I’d offer them a plate of cookies instead!
Yeah! And what if ghosts prefer spicy food? Imagine trying to impress a spirit with your cooking skills—talk about pressure!
‘Clairgustance’? What next? Clairpizza? I’ll stick to my earthly snacks and leave the ghostly tasting for Halloween parties!