When you want to manifest things in your life then you want to make sure that you have the Law of Attraction on your side. The Law of Attraction tells you that whatever you send into the universe will come back to you so if you’re positive then positive things can come back to you.
Even though this might sound too good to be true, the things about this law is that it changes your thoughts and your attitude to help you to be more positive which can help you to get rid of limiting beliefs.
You can increase your manifestation by making a manifestation journal and this will help you to be able to visualize a future and make a plan that can get you what you want in your life. You might not know how to start this kind of journal but keep reading!
Understanding Manifesting
People that use manifestation techniques do their own thing. They often practice this with visualization. In 2020, visualization seemed to take society by storm and people found that even though manifestation isn’t supported by science that it can actually be helpful.
Some critics of manifestation feel that being this hopeful can lead to toxic positivity that will make people feel alienated and rejected which can hurt their overall wellbeing, but the truth is that you can use this to set clear goals and to have a more positive attitude. Manifesting can help you to be more motivated to get things done and it can help you to have a better attitude which will help you to grow and reach your life potential.
What is the Law of Attraction?
Before you ever begin your journal, you should look at the Law of Attraction and see how it can help you manifest:
- Law 1
This tells you that like is attracted to like. This means that when you meet someone then chances are you will like the same things and have the same values. You can change this thinking to show that when you’re positive then you will think more positive and good things can happen to you.
- Law 2
This part of the law tells you that you have only a certain amount of space that will fill your life and your mind and if you get things out of your life then new things will come in. It is important that you get rid of negativity to free up the space for good things.
- Law 3
This part of the law tells you that you can improve whatever situation that you’re in. Even small improvements can make you see things in a more positive light. As you continue to be positive you will be in a better place in life than you were, and you will have more potential than if you’re negative.
Making a Manifestation Journal
You can make a manifestation journal which can make you feel more thankful and can help you to combat against stress and anxiety.
This kind of journal can help you to look into the future and it can improve your minds way of visualizing the future.
Future Scripting
Future scripting is when you journal and write about the future as if you have already lived that part of your life. Imagine what it would be like if you got what you want and if you reached all of your goals. Write this down as if you already have.
This helps your mind to see things such as your dreams as a reality and allows you to set your goals so that it isn’t so scary.
Tips for Manifestation Journaling
Future scripting is part of manifestation journaling and here are some of the best ways to get started on your journal:
- Manifestation Prompts
Here are some prompts that you can use to challenge you to be able to use the Law of Attraction to help you to manifest what you want:
- How do you want to change the world?
- What do you think perfection is?
- What do you love the most about yourself?
- Where do you want to live?
- What kind of dream do you have in your life?
- If you had all the money you needed, what would you do?
- What does success mean to you?
Write these in your journal and answer them to get started on your journal.
- Positive Affirmations
Talking down to yourself is one of the worse things that you can do. This causes you to miss out on your goals and leaves you feeling negative. You have to train your mind to be more positive and here are some positive affirmations that you can say!
- I am brave.
- I am strong.
- I can reach my goals.
- I am full of love.
- I am worthy of love.
- I have many talents.
- I deserve to be heard.
- Write Down Your Goals
Write down your goals so that you can look at them each day and you will be able to make a list that you can achieve. Use the SMART method if you want to which is:
- S: Specific
- M: Measurable
- A: Attainable
- R: Realistic
- T: Time-bound
- Make a List of Thankfulness
Make a list of the things that you’re thankful for. Writing this list can help you to see the good things in your life and help you to remember that good things are always happening to you. This is one of the best ways that you can be positive.
- Writing a Manifestation Journal
You can write a note to the universe in your journal, and you can talk about the things that inspire you and the things that you want to do in your life. Write down your goals and your thoughts and don’t hold anything back.
Mention your strengths and your positive traits and let the universe know that you’re open and ready to get what you want in your life. By writing like this you will show the world that you are ready for the future and that you have a clear goal and that you love yourself and are thankful for what you have.
- Keeping Your Journal Going
The hardest part of keeping your journal going is to discipline yourself enough to make it a habit. Here are some ways to do this!
- Put It In Your Routine
Make it a routine to journal. If you have a bedtime routine, add journaling to it and make sure that you write in your journal a few minutes before you go to bed. You can make this part of your daytime journal if that works better for you.
- Don’t Get Distracted
Journaling can be distracting if you have things going on around you at the same time. Find a place that is quiet so that no one will bother you as you journal for a few minutes.
- Get Ready
Get ready to journal by lighting a candle or by turning the lights down to make the area relaxing.
- Meditate
Meditate before you start journaling so that you can clear your mind and not let negative thinking overtake your thoughts.
- Have Fun
Journaling should be something that you enjoy and not a task. Make it fun. Write down your dreams and anything you want. You can even draw pictures if that makes it more fun for you.
Final Thoughts
If you want to start a manifestation journal, now is the right time. Manifesting and journaling can go hand in hand. Put this as part of your daily routine and remember, here are some tips to make your journaling journey great!
- Write down what you’re thankful for.
- Use positive affirmations.
- Write anything you are thinking.
- Make a vision board journal with pictures that represent your goals and dreams.
- Let go of your negative thinking on the pages and then know what you can do differently.
- Write each and every day so that you can keep up with your daily activities.
*giggles* Writing about future successes like you’re already living them? That sounds like role-playing for adults! But hey, if it helps people feel good about themselves, then maybe it’s not such a bad thing after all.
*Cue eye roll* So we’re supposed to believe that simply writing in a journal will change our lives? Why not just wish upon a star while we’re at it? This article is quite comical in its absurdity!
Oh great, another ‘manifestation’ guru trying to sell us on the idea that writing things down makes them happen! What’s next? Journaling about flying pigs? This is all very amusing but lacks any real substance.
This is just another self-help fad that sounds great in theory but has no scientific backing. The Law of Attraction is just wishful thinking dressed up as a philosophy. We need real solutions, not fairy tales!
While I see the appeal of a positive mindset, I disagree with the idea that negativity should be entirely dismissed. Emotions serve a purpose; ignoring them could lead to serious mental health issues down the line.
. While I appreciate the sentiment behind manifestation journals, we must remember that real change requires effort beyond mere wishful thinking. It’s crucial to set actionable goals alongside maintaining a positive outlook for true success.
The Law of Attraction has been debated extensively in psychological circles. While some find it helpful for motivation, it’s essential to balance positivity with realistic action. Blind optimism can lead to disappointment if not paired with practical steps.
I absolutely loved this article! The idea of a manifestation journal really resonates with me. I’ve started one and feel more positive every day. It’s like magic how writing down my thoughts can shift my mindset!