Has the thought that you were wasting your life every hit you? If you have had more than one in job in your lifetime, it probably has. But how do you move past this feeling? Ask yourself what you want from life.
Do you want to be happy? Even if you have many reasons to be happy, can you say that you are truly happy?
If you are not, who can you become happier? Here a few ways to begin:
- Make small changes. Get enough sleep. Eat well. Drink enough water. Do the basics of self-care.
- While it may seem counter-intuitive, if you are anger about something, take a break before letting it all go. If you want a resolution, it is wise to step back and calm down
- Act happy! We have all heard the advice “fake it till you make it”. in the case of happiness, this is true! Act happy and you will actually catch the happiness you seek.
- Invest in your happiness. We all know that if you want to do something well, we have to take the time to do it right. If you want a variety of happiness, do a variety of things. Challenge yourself to do something new, and don’t be afraid to fail.
- Don’t be tempted to paper over sadness with treats. If someone really hurt your feelings, will eating a can of frosting really fix things? Think about how best to treat your feelings. (I once wrote a short story in which I killed off the person who wronged me. It turned into a successful series.)
- Invest in your happiness by spending your money and time with the people who make you feel happy. Take one of your parents to lunch. Send someone a card just because. Treat your coworkers to a basket of fruit.
- Don’t always demand the very best. You can spend hours looking for that perfect cut of beef when you really would be satisfied with a well made burger. Think about what you really want before you spend any time and energy on a serious search.
- Exercise will help you feel better. We all know that this works, yet we all have a myriad of excuses about not having time. Even a short walk can help. your self
- Stop complaining. Even if you have to bite your tongue to keep the words back. When you complain, you are just stressing yourself out and annoying those around you. When you stop, you will feel better and the things that are disturbing you will more thank likely work themselves out.
- Take charge of your own happiness. We are not pre disposed to happiness. Almost half of our happiness is within the things we can control. Take some time to work on your own happiness. Do what makes you feel good!
While the strategies mentioned are popular, it’s essential to remember that everyone’s path to happiness is unique. Some may require professional help or therapy to truly address deeper issues rather than just ‘acting’ happy.
I disagree with the idea of ‘faking it till you make it.’ This approach could lead people to ignore their genuine feelings instead of addressing them. Isn’t authenticity more valuable than just putting on a happy face?
‘Fake it till you make it’ might work for some, but neglecting your emotions can be harmful in the long run. We need deeper emotional intelligence rather than surface-level happiness tricks.
‘Take charge of your own happiness’? If only it were as easy as deciding what to order for lunch! Next thing, they’ll tell us to be happier by just smiling at strangers. Spoiler alert: It doesn’t work that way.
I found this article incredibly uplifting! It offers practical advice that anyone can implement in their daily life. Simple changes like drinking more water and taking a walk can really improve our happiness. Love it!
‘Don’t always demand the very best.’ This is profound! In our pursuit of perfection, we often overlook the joy found in simpler things—like enjoying a good burger instead of obsessing over gourmet steaks.
‘Good enough’ philosophy sounds great until you’re stuck eating mediocre meals every day! Sometimes striving for better is what drives growth—settling might lead us nowhere fulfilling.
‘Invest in your happiness’? Sounds like my bank account’s going on a diet because I sure can’t afford those luxurious spa days! I guess I’ll stick to a bubble bath and my cat’s cuddles instead!
Why not just give up on seeking happiness altogether? Embrace the chaos! At this point, I’m convinced my pet goldfish has figured out life better than I have—he just swims around and enjoys his bowl!
Honestly, this post feels like a regurgitation of common self-help clichés. Just ‘act happy’ and everything will magically fall into place? Life isn’t that simple, and I think the author oversimplifies important issues.