Stop Chasing People Who Don’t Want to Be Chased

Stop Chasing People Who Don’t Want to Be Chased

Many people look for those that they cannot have. They are close enough to touch them, but they are still out of their reach.

This can be the person that everyone is talking about or the guy that you see each day when you go to the donut shop. Maybe you make eye contact with him, but he doesn’t talk to you or maybe you will think he is interested and then he doesn’t show up the next few days that you go there.

Here are some types of guys that you just can’t seem to help yourself with:

You Can’t Have Him

Why do we choose people that we cannot have? Why do we choose people who want to be around us sometimes or those that make us to like them but never seem to want us?

The reason why we choose these people is because they will never really love us. This can be painful, but it is something that is always there. It is something that we expect from people. These people are always going to be around you, but they will never really fall in love with you.

The great thing with these people is that they can only hurt you if you let them because real love is not the issue. Real love can be pain that is unreal and shattering and real love means that you are putting it all in. Real love is something that we desire but when we want people that we cannot really get, we know what true love is, but we choose to not focus on it.

Love can cause us to be afraid because it is something that we do not want to rely on. Maybe we have never had real love because we are nervous of the game of love and afraid to get hurt. We hide our heart so that we cannot be broken if someone rejects us or if we are unable to find romance.

Maybe we just hope that the one that we life that is out of our reach will one day like us back or we will become brave enough to ask them out.

We hope that we can take a step forward and see what love really might be like.

An out of reach lover is someone that would be a miracle to have. This is how you look at things sometimes and you take a step forward, but you only imagine being with this person. People will continue to put themselves out in the dating world, even when their world falls apart and even people that have experienced real pain will keep looking for love.

Real love is worth the pain and the heartbreak. Suffering can come with love, but love can also heal a broken heart. When you are reaching for someone that is out of reach, chances are they might not be reachable, but they still make you feel excited and wonderful. The way that you feel can be love but there is no real answer as to if you will get hurt or not but why concentrate on that?

Ripping your heart out can be handled and this is okay. You can avoid heartbreak and still get your heart broken and even be the one that breaks your own heart. If you are willing to take chances, you might actually find someone that will love you and will not break your heart.


Stop limiting yourself to people that are not in your reach because you want to be safe. In the end, you are going to be the one that breaks your own heart because you are missing out on opportunities that can be fulfilling in your life.

Take the chance and even if you have to experience some kind of heartbreak, it will be worth it, because love is worth it.

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